Security etching glass

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Lord Hippo
Originally this fred was about getting autoglass to etch yer windows. They have now stopped doing this.

The alternative is to buy this kit:

to etch yer windows and paintwork. Then register with the isr register so anyone who see's yer own personal etched number on yer windows can use their web site to check if yer vehicle is registred stolen with them or not.

This is one mod your insurance company will like. If your vehicle is stolen then the glass is worthless and if they want to change its identity they will have more work to do. This cheap mod could make a difference to the chances of you getting your vehicle back if stolen.

and buy yerself some stamps:

some say yer can't stop it being nicked but yer can make it more difficult to alter it's identity. If yer bought a part and spotted it had a reg plate stamped on it and yer searched the web for it... police may spot it if they find a lock up with parts.

info over ere:

Yer can buy the kit from ere >

If you look near the top right hand side of the Stolen forum, you will see a link to allow you to watch the forum. Click on it and it will ask you to choose yer preferred option. I chose to have new messages emailed to me so I get instant email alerts if something has been posted in the Stolen forum. Hence I receive email alerts when something new has been stolen, or further information added.

Register yer valuables for free:
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Some years ago I got ma hippo's windows etched with his registration number for free by Autoglass. A lot of glass fitters provide this service for free if you have fully comprehensive insurance. If not they will do it for a nominal fee. Some do it for free anyway. If you have a private plate and don't want to have it etched into your glass (so you can flog your vehicle and keep the plate) then you can have the vin plate etched into the glass instead. If you prefer you can buy pre printed kits through the post. Search online. Most etching it done with acid these days. That's how Autoglass did mine. The kits through the post are the same. Tell them what you want, pay for it and when it arrives stick it to your windows and then peel oft after a set time.

This is one mod your insurance company will like. If your vehicle is stolen then the glass is worthless and if they want to change its identity they will have more work to do. This free mod could make a difference to the chances of you getting you vehicle back if stolen.

I bought 2 sets of these acid etch marking tapes years ago for my Series III station wagon so I had enough of the tapes to mark all the window glasses including the alpine lights (long narrow windows) in the roof. Oh... and I also marked the headlamp glasses and the speedo glass and the fuel gauge glass.
I also bought a set of steel number and letter punches and hammered the reg number into the chassis in 8 separate places and painted over them. Not only that, I hammered it into all the door hinges and all the wheel rims, and the bumper, and the tow ball, and the Fairey free wheel hubs.... anywhere that there was solid steel. Can't remember other places I stamped it now.
As I had a standard hard top, I converted it to a tropical roof and fitted the alpine lights in a different distance from the back edge of the roof, so they were not in the position that Land Rover would have fitted them. An easy way for me to identify my own roof if ever the vehicle got stolen.
I shifted the switches around on the dashboard so that the light switch was where the heater switch should have been and the heater switch was where the light switch had been. Then I fitted a 3 way switch where the panel light switch should have been. This switch cut out the electric fuel pump when the toggle was in the up position, but if the toggle was switched down it blew a hidden high tone horn.
Thankfully I don't think anyone ever attempted to steal the Landy.
Just over 600 views.

I was wondering how many people have taken up the free option of getting their windows etched by autoglass or similar?

How many have gone down the route of buying pre-printed etch kits oft the web?

Edit: Autoglass have now stopped this service
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That's great until you want to break your landy then you have to take the glass out as it won't longer *fit* any other.

Say you wrote off the car and some good sellable parts were in good shape then there wrote off too.
That's great until you want to break your landy then you have to take the glass out as it won't longer *fit* any other.

Say you wrote off the car and some good sellable parts were in good shape then there wrote off too.
Many on ere including Freelander owners treasure their vehicles. The thought of them being stolen never to return is too much to handle. Plenty of sad stories in this section by posters who have lost their pride and joy, posting for help in the remote chance they may get their vehicle back. Some vehicles are much easier to nick than others. Once it's gone it's too late. At least etching is cheap and would help your vehicle keep it's identity longer.

I guess the owner has to make a judgement on the benefit to them of etching. It's not something that will easily polish out. Hence a theif would need to change the glass too unless they've stolen to break it up. Etching may stop the glass from being sold, but at least it keeps your vehicles identity on display in the event of a theft. Once you change the reg plate most vehicles disappear. I would expect the average buyer to spot the window etching.

Lifetimelandy has gone a bit mad marking his vehicle way beyond my push for more people to etch their glass. But to his credit, it's the sort of thing I would do too. It's a good idea but I appreciate not something many would probably do.

Like the way you've etched the photo with hippo photo too hippo ;):D
You never know what may be stolen. ;)
That's great until you want to break your landy then you have to take the glass out as it won't longer *fit* any other.

Say you wrote off the car and some good sellable parts were in good shape then there wrote off too.

Actually, no problem for me. I have broken up and sold most of the parts off my series III. I did keep the back door and station wagon side window panels for my hybrid build, but I sold the tropical roof, side doors, windscreen, headlamps and instruments. I just pointed out the etched numbers to the buyers and told them to make a note of my address and I would corroborate their story if in the future the Police were to query my registration number on their vehicle. All this took place around 2000 to 2001. I'm still living in the same house in Birmingham and no inquiries came back to me. Stands a chance that some of my buyers are forum members so if they read this thread I'd just like to thank them for buying from me and making room for my hybrid build. By the way I think it's best not to scratch out or remove any such etched number as it would look as if you had something to hide.
I have used a Land Rover kit from these guys. Not only does it etch all the windows but you can etch major panels eg bonnet, roof etc.

It is part of a whole suite of security measures I am using to keep my beloved Landy.

Hope that helps?
I quite like the idea of etching me glass, going to look into that. A home got links for good kit online?

I have some letter and number stamps so might stamp my major components with the reg.

Good shout hippotamous
now you mention it Hippo I am going to get ours done I keep for getting but I did have my other cars done before it is sure worth while
Well done. :)

Anyone else? It's free to do. All you need to do is drive yer heap to the glass fitter and back. This may be easier said than done for some of you who own garden ornaments. An alternative is to buy the template etching stickers online and do it yerself.
I etched the sixteen windows on my Defender 110 today without any problems. I bought this kit for £14 The kit contains ten stencils, but the vendor included the additional six that I needed free of charge. :)
i've just seen this thread, something I will be definitely looking into as I have no plans to sell I will only be adding to and improving my 90. As we know, if they're going to get it, they'll get it no matter how hard you try, so at least you're making their life difficult if they follow through with the theft.
I etched the windows on my 110 SW too, using the ISR kit. They supplied metal etching UV stickers too that I applied liberally; on the underside of the bonnet, inside the door pillars e.t.c.
The etching only took around half an hour, maybe 40 minutes. Lastly I registered it with ISR and put the warning sticker in the window. At £35-00, its a tiny cost.
It's good to see peeps etching their glass. Autoglass do it for free but you can also buy the kits yourself as above. I like the independent number kits which you register as this can being used for items like caravans. They have windows anorl. Not using the number plate as etched identity means it doesn't stand out so easily that the fitted number plates are wrong, but the police certainly would check the number. The great thing about etching windows is the thief may not see it. If they do then to hide the identity of the vehicle they will need to change the glass. That doesn't take that much effort when you consider the steps they take to fake/change vehicle ID's, but it is something additional which may be the difference between you seeing yer heap again or not, if stolen. That's got to worth £14. Free option on mine was done at Autoglass. I turned up, asked, they did it for free. They weren't doing any other work on my hippo at the time.

Edit: Autoglass have now stopped this service
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