Weather today is terrible wind thick fog and rain so decided to do a bit of baking, cheese bread to go with home made tomato soup, and a bun to Finnish
Could be a official body doing it if thay are a problem the American imported Gray is listed a vermin, it is also detrimental to the native red ,grays also predates on song birds eggs and young, thay also carry diseases! !
Have to agree with that we have UFH on all the ground floor as it is stone it would be freezing with out it but 1st floor is rads but with the open atrium thay hardly come on except for the furthest bedroom, furs the bears keep me loverly and warm 💂
Nice here to day +10 so been doing some tree work getting harder to get going in the mornings these days think I need a vitamin boost, or I'm not drinking enough beer , 😯😁😄
We do this with herbs in the summer for winter use,a lot more flavours than dryed, chopped up mixed with a bit of water when frozen you can put them in a freezer bag