1. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    'tis if you're on the bumps..... However I will let you know if I am your way in the future.
  2. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Lacave 46200 Tony
  3. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Thanks for the thought. Actually it's about 3 hours but on the bumps probably nearer six !
  4. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Good afternoon all. I’m back. To paraphrase Granny Weatherwax, “ I ain’t dead, just recovering” As I know that all members here are of a sensitive disposition and easily distressed by anything too graphic, I will not upset them with the gory details of my indisposition. Suffice to say that...
  5. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Never rains, but it pours. As I mentioned, I am taking the car into Monsieur Renault in the village tomorrow, always assuming I get there. I am now down on the dratted bump stops. Spent this afternoon, playing with the settings, although all the numbers all seemed right. I cleared them all...
  6. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    This almost brings me full circle, as idling is frequently too fast to justify the word. I shall have to wait until it decides to settle back to a normal 750.
  7. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Seems that what I had read about gearbox level checking was incorrect. Prior to hearing that, I had always checked it when cold on the assumption that it would have drained as low as it could get in the box. I should have stuck to that assumption. Presumably, if hot, much of the oil would up and...
  8. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    ...err, "a load test" ? Please, Sir...
  9. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    I have just been discovering my new multimeter, and it shows spot on 14.7 with the engine running and flickering between 12.7 and 12.8 after leaving it for an hour. So at least we seem to have ruled that out...err haven't we ? Gear box oil level appears OK. I believe this should be checked...
  10. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    I think that's what I was wanting to know. Thank you. Is there any deviation from those numbers which would be "near enough" or is any slight deviation bad news ?
  11. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Not exactly a propos Range Rovers.but just a small aside. I have said that I would probably visit our local village Renault garage. I had forgotten that this being France it is no longer that simpler.. The road to the village is cut into the side of a cliff alongside a little stream, which...
  12. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    I have now acquired a DVM, or rather I have got what I think is a multimeter. So all I have to do now is work out how to read it and I can report back. What sort of numbers should I expect to find if the battery is good or bad ?
  13. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    I didn't even know what an IACV was until I looked it up. I'm still not sure where to find it. Likewise the throttle body. What is involved in cleaning that ? Remove it ? Wipe it with a rag ? Dismantle it ? "...cleaning all the Engine ECU contacts, plus all the sensor & injector...
  14. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Thank you for your input. Petrol and LPG. I can't get the battery checked for a couple of days, but will certainly do so soonest. The battery is not very old, but if it is below par, would it not give me a more predictable and/or continuous problem ? I am not very electrically-minded, which I...
  15. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, here I am again with my P37½ in need of help. After all the brilliant input above, my dashboard has now returned to what passes for normal. Because I expected to have to wait a while for all the concealed irrigation behind the...
  16. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    ...but what is a mere book, compared to the multiple mega-processors (i. e. members) that make up the hypercomputer known as Landyzone ?
  17. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Thank you for the further contribution. I was not aware of the cut off point.. I will certainly look at earth points and the alternator output. The idle is more than slightly high - even up to about 1600 on occasions..
  18. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Good point. Although I learned long ago about keeping the a/c always on, as it keeps it's "tubes" in good order and helps prevent windows misting up condensation in the winter, I had not considered the effect of condensation in hidden and important little places. Thank you for that.
  19. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    A VERY GOOD MORNING TO ALL and particular thanks to Marjon, Grrrrr and Datatek. Sorry for raising my voice, but it seemed appropriate because the problem seems to have gone away. I did not do anything much last night but, I left the car outside overnight. The weather here is dry but very windy...
  20. Pression de Gonflage

    P38A Elastic Trickery problems.

    Thank you for the additional possibility. I will have a better look in daylight tomorrow. I have never tinkered with the BECM - is it sufficiently sealed to avoid damp getting inside it ? If Not I suppose I should expect the worst. I should have l mentioned that the car is kept in a dry but...