
I'm not special I'm limited edition
Hi peeps

Just to give a heads up. I had 2 cars and multiple persons loitering around my landy around 1am this morning. One occupant decided to lean on my landy while supposedly chatting on the phone. After about 15 mins they left.

Approx 30 mins or so later they came back for another scout around.

Luckily my landy was blocked in front and rear.

Keep your eyes peeled guys.
Hi peeps

Just to give a heads up. I had 2 cars and multiple persons loitering around my landy around 1am this morning. One occupant decided to lean on my landy while supposedly chatting on the phone. After about 15 mins they left.

Approx 30 mins or so later they came back for another scout around.

Luckily my landy was blocked in front and rear.

Keep your eyes peeled guys.
get 1 of these.
Sounds like they were looking to see what the reaction would be to them being there. A number of peeps have reported similar experiences, and also had further unexplained sightings of the same people at a later time/date soon after. It will also have given them time to see what security you have and if there's an alarm LED flashing etc. Keep a camera handy and try to get a photo of them next time. Zoom lens would be ideal. Tell you're neighbours and the police what happened anorl.
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