
Some time ago it wouldn't start. I attached an injector to the distributor pump out of the engine as per workshop manual and it wouldn't spray.

Fast forward to a gravity feed on a bench with a drill rotating the pump....the injectors all sprayed.

To see whether this would work on of the same basis but with the pump in situ I set it up to find the injector did not spray as before.

My conclusion....either the battery kaput or poor connections.

Connections good and drop voltage on cranking 10.04.

So battery seems to be OK, so why does it work on the bench but not in situ....no compression factor on bench...problem with starter motor?

So the battery, injectors and pump seem to be OK but on the bench it works and in situ it doesn't, but I don't understand why!

I am tempted to remove the glow plugs to ease compression and see if the dist pump spins faster activating the injector attached to the pump but out of the engine.

Clutching at straws!

Have I missed something obvious?

My next steps would be to see if the engine fired with the gravity feed plus rubber primer pump, then via the normal lift pump feed.

Fuel pressure and engine compression are good and if I ever get round to it again I know how to set up the timing.

Any observations, including the obvious would be most welcome.

There appears to be no airlock.


So just to be clear, The fuel injection pump has been out of the vehicle and sprays fuel from injectors when spun ?
Now back in and timed correctly ?[ cant go far wrong if engine not turned when pump out ]
If you remove a couple of glow plugs [ they are working ? ] and spin engine over diesel mist will come out if all working.
is there fuel in tank and getting to pump, meanwhile work your way through this lot

Yes, although I did have a problem with air entering just before the lift pump which I fixed.
Thanks for the info Steve

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