
Active Member
Just four of us out this weekend and we decided to head for the Lakes. Everyone I asked seemed to have a bit of a downer on the Lakes because there is a fair bit of tarmac between lanes and a shed load of gates but I wanted to give it a go. I enjoyed the day but it was probably a bit tame compared to what we usually do and we were a bit disappointed to find a grumpy farmers wife blocking one lane and that Grizedale had been temporarily closed for repair just 2 days before and a day after I had last checked its status! Excuses were buying me no favours with the boys though!

Green Laning in the Lake District with the Lowrangers - YouTube


Only one mishap when a Defender 90 in our group snapped its connecting rod on the high / low selector linkage but with some running repairs he forced it into high range and completed the day.
I've just watched your vid on YouTube, very good as usual. I subscribed a few months back as you turn out some top videos, very entertaining.

As for Grizedale, have you got any idea how long it's going to be out of action? I only ask as we're heading over there next weekend and that was going to be one of the lanes we were looking at doing.
The sign said no longer than 5 days. Drainage repairs or something!

This lane and the one we got stopped on were both featured in LRM this month and I couldn't help but feel this was a concerted effort to deter 4x4 use. I walked the first 400 yards and saw nothing wrong!
The sign said no longer than 5 days. Drainage repairs or something!

This lane and the one we got stopped on were both featured in LRM this month and I couldn't help but feel this was a concerted effort to deter 4x4 use. I walked the first 400 yards and saw nothing wrong!

Sounds about right, seems to me that's the future of 4x4 use in the lakes. Out of interest did you try Stile End?
I'm not a laner as I don't have the right vehicle (yet).
I love the lakes as I'm a mountain walker & mountain biker and that trip looks great!
Some nice footage & loving the 110
Glad you enjoyed. Have to say other than one Orrible farmers wife, all the walkers were happy, smiling an waving! Not what we usually get and a pleasant change!
The outdoors are for everyone, I walk quite often with my girlfriend but get angry walkers commenting when I'm on my bike.
You've just got to ignore them, stay responsible and enjoy your day.
I've subscribed to your YouTube channel too
Another cracking vid pal.still waiting for a invite off your mate on a trip out with you lot.
Great video.
I always manage to fit in a days laning when we holiday in the lakes and we're back next month. Can't wait :)
When next month mate :) hope to be dropping the new engine in at the end of the month so late march could be a go!
Weekend of the 16th / 17th for a wedding.
Arrive on the Thursday and then home Sunday morning. Its going to be tight, but I'll sneak off at some point to find some rocky lanes. Will you be ready by then?
I will be out one way or the other ;) series or disco

Hopefully the series will be done though! Old gearbox and bulkhead done next weekend/tomorrow then new one in with engine at the end of the month when robs free to help again
Great video :D

I got a random invitation to go laning in the Lakes on facebook yesterday, no idea who from as I dont have any Landy people as friends :p:confused:

Almost wish I had gone after watching that video, those lanes look as though they might be OK for me.
Did a few of the lanes in the lakes yesterday. Outstanding as usual, however we ran out of daylight before we could sample Parkamoor, so ended the day on Grizedale.

I'm just wondering if anyone knows when the repair work on Stile End is scheduled to be finished? Tried it from Gatesgarth side yesterday but it's all signed up as road closed from the first tight gate.
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Another cracking vid pal.still waiting for a invite off your mate on a trip out with you lot.

If you go to the forum there is an email link now that goes straight to the guy who deals with sorting stuff out. The bloke in Crewe has got a lot going on and isnt out himself that much these days!

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