
Guys I'm having a real issue with my series 3. I've baught it with a recent rebuilt engine re con fuel pump and re con injectors.
It struggles to start and has absolutely no power. I've checked the cam timing and it's perfect. Checked and corrected the scew gear now sitting at 20 degrees at 13 degrees before tdc. But the A I side the pump is no where near its mark on the circlip.
Any suggestions much appreciated
Hope you don’t mind if I have a few queries
What did the rebuild involve
How did you check the cam timing
What did you measure the 13deg against
But the A I side the pump is no where near its mark on the circlip.

Not sure what you mean by this
Are the heater plugs working
Any air in the system
Have you got a gauge to check compression
Was the injectors and pump recon done by reputable supplier
The pump and injectors were done by local company Breedon and gell . The glow plugs are new and all working. I checked cam timing on the ep on flywheel and used dti guage to get the peak on the cam. The scew gear measures 20 degrees perfect until I pull it up to put in the grub screw and throws the pump out. I'm concerned something inside the pump may not be timed correct.
the top drive gear as below should be in place secured with the grub screw first,
I did mine recently and checked the TDC mark with dti on piston 1 but took the mid reading of it rising and falling ( same technique for the cam timing reqd): then you know the pointer on flywheel accurate .
You may need to remove chain and redo timing procedure

With refurb injector pump some extra steps reqd to set control screws 42 onwards

Have you tried turning the pump while running to get it to run better

I timed engine at ep got perfect peak of cam for chain. Then moved to 13 degrees btdc to get pump timing. There is no advance left when the pump is timed it will start and run just no power and long time to start
Can’t make head nor tails of description as I’m stupid but.

I’ve recently done this wrongly and corrected it by;

When you fish around to find the grub screw it often throws out the timing by at least a tooth on the pump shaft.
I just dropped the shaft in, on the mark but it’s obviously helical and as you lift the shaft to line up the grub screw hole the damn thing goes out of wack. You need to be at least one tooth out when dropping the shaft in so as you extract to the correct height it rectified itself.

Try (and you need three hands) estimating the grub screw hole as the shaft drops in and then locking the copper bush in place with something sharp (I used a scribe point) as you lift the shaft up, feeling for the hole. It is a faff and takes a while to get it set up. Nothing will work properly until you’ve got the screw in and everything is set at the right angle.
If your grub screw has not easily screwed in below flush then you haven’t found the hole.
I ruined a filter gasket thinking I had it.
No not really the connecting rod from skew drive to pump. I've notched the master spline on the bottom half so now it can sit in any spline.

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