VA signal update,,,Hi Guys ,well I had a trip to Ian Barkly's garage on the Wirrel,cos the guy I bought the RR from insisted it went there for Diog.test ,apparantly he had spent £400 with him prior to selling to make sure all was ok.Initial test show possible comp replacement.and after 7hours search (and I know because I stood by all day at the side of my RR)he found the battery drain as HEAvac switch ,to be replaced next week as non in stock,phone the vendor &told him,he refused to pay for a pump .Garage man reset all and I came away with Fuse 12 tempory pulled out and instuctions "see how u go on and ring me next week the pump might just be lazy"Reason for the all day diog time was that process of illimination takes 20 minutes for the RR to go to sleep after each diog prog is tested ,this was all very interesting and I gleamed lots of info while chatting to Ian ,what a nice man!So o o o whatch this space !Roger ps. EAR behaved perfectly up to now .just taking fuse 12 out at night to save battery drain till new hevac arrives .