Anyone of you has any experience with an additionally built coolant level sensor? I have already red some posts about using sensor in the upper coolant pipe (where the bleed screw is) and also to build a sensor in the expansion tank.
Some people said that the sensor in the bleed screw is not the best way as it gives alarm signal when it is already late. My previus td5 had a sensor built in the expansion tank but I did not like it as it was only glued in and leaked under pressure.
I would like to install something as there are too many possibilities to have a leak somewhere and if I recognize it late then the engine is gone...but I do not want something which does not work on the proper way.
Ideas would be appreciated!
Anyone of you has any experience with an additionally built coolant level sensor? I have already red some posts about using sensor in the upper coolant pipe (where the bleed screw is) and also to build a sensor in the expansion tank.
Some people said that the sensor in the bleed screw is not the best way as it gives alarm signal when it is already late. My previus td5 had a sensor built in the expansion tank but I did not like it as it was only glued in and leaked under pressure.
I would like to install something as there are too many possibilities to have a leak somewhere and if I recognize it late then the engine is gone...but I do not want something which does not work on the proper way.
Ideas would be appreciated!