First Greenlanes

    looks good lanes ya done there ,,you don't need that on your truck anymore rip em off :)
  2. BIGBENNY777

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    fitted a full set of clear led lights ,,well cool :) no more bulbs to change and even changed the number plate light to an led one ,, got them of ebay ''bolt on bits '' well worth it ..
  3. BIGBENNY777

    stripping 110 200tdi

    hi ,, how rough are the doors ,, ??and do they come with the door cards could you sent me pic's of all of them plz and a price for all ,,ta ,,benny :D
  4. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    not made our minds up as yet if wer going to buildwas/bala or green laning ,, will let ya know where an when :cool:
  5. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    was good to meet ya buddy ,, :D ive got some fixin to do now :o fix the snorkel back on :rolleyes: after the tree ripped it off :rolleyes: brill day in the mud tho .. and the route you took us on was good fun loved it :D good job the lads helped you out of that hole you wer in :lol: or...
  6. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    yeah matt said all ok up there ,, im headin up there 2moz :D see ya there
  7. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    thats a start then sam :D i'll ring matt l8r an find out ,,, there sayin wer in for alot of rain over the wkend :rolleyes: if ok see you sunday
  8. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    i'll say it will be gone by then as they sayin wer in for rain this wk :( if they get it rite tha is ?
  9. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    hell yeah m8 was just to deep .. going out again 2moz to and try again :) well we gotta make the most of it in we :)
  10. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    here a few pics from today matt :) ya think the p&p will be like this ? :D
  11. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    just been out on a snow run today as no work :) and bloody hell its deep up by the dams :eek: put it this way the snow won had to turn back and head for home ,,was over my bonnet,,:eek: :( just hopin its not like that for next wkend :( or we wont get anywhere up there :(
  12. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    done all of them and got the card :D ive been a lorry driver for 18yrs this should only be for them thats passin there test now i think ,, but like you said there is one or two things that we did not know on the new rules n regs.. i know a lad that went to one give them his money and got all 5...
  13. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    hahaha i'll say there should be **** loads up there by then m8 :D
  14. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    snowin flat out here again matt :) will be havin good fun in the lorry 2moz :) will be out playin in the nelly after work .. then again i might not be going to work :) play time lol
  15. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    its not much tho :( see wot its like in the morning :)
  16. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    lol its been snowin here for the last 3hrs m8y
  17. BIGBENNY777

    Its snowing

    been snowin for the last 3hrs here :)
  18. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales P & P. 26th/27th List

    this who's coming out of my lot so far matt sunday 27th of jan 1. Coley 2. Benny 3. kelvin 4. dai 5. james 6. ashley 7.
  19. BIGBENNY777

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    we will be if we have this snow they say wer going to have will be hard work then i'll say :) coooooool
  20. BIGBENNY777

    Any Body fitted 1 of Those Disc Brake Hand/Brake

    i got a X-Brake Disk Handbrake on mine and works very well and goes thro the mot each time with out doin anything to it ..