1. Vagrent

    Films where landrovers get trashed..

    Fort id do a fred on landys getting trashed. Please include pics if you can. Enjoy...if you can:D Skyfall. 130 gets bashed about. Ace venturer. 3 series landys get totalled.
  2. Vagrent

    Freelanders are rubbish

    :p Doors fall off in the rain and no good orf road:p:boink:
  3. Vagrent

    1987 90 csw selling.

    I Gotta sell me 90, gay as it is, I just don't have the time or money for it anymore, and it will just sit on my drive getting worse till it's ####ed. Want to pass it on. I will do better ad later, want 2grand, 11months mot, probably sell it to an lz person taxed anyone else can fook off. it's...
  4. Vagrent

    Spell check?

    :D See I bet that grinner is not displayed properly. Really annoying and to fix it you need to :lol::D and that will work if that is the only text you wanna post. Sometime lol+grin is aceptable as a response, but usually grin is better. I see loads doing it and it kinda ruins their response...
  5. Vagrent

    dip beam mystery

    Well looking at some of the treads, regarding dip beam issues, they are similar to my prob but slightly different. My did beam has failed:( It used to work:D And after going through big puddle they worked constantly:eek: Now they do fek all:( Crappy multi meter says there is power to the left...
  6. Vagrent

    After market hid bulbs...

    Are they legal? Yes or no?
  7. Vagrent

    Freelancers are great...

    Here we have an opportunity to voice all the great things about freelanders. Me first, they have 2 sunroofs. Now that is a good idea.