
Active Member
Hi guys
Engine got way too hot the other day. stopped and topped up coolant when cooled down. So far seems ok. I topped it up last week. Is it possible to loose a couple of litres of water by not tightening the lid on the expansion bottle enough? Its probably a daft question but i cant see any leaks.
hi gadgy , first thing check head gaskets not gone , do sniff test etc , check thermostat is working & check that theres no air in system !!!!!! process of elimination all done by yourself before spending any money ,,,, make sure when you have topped it up from cold start that you get all air out and that when engine is hot and check again carefully , watching the floor for any leaks !!!! a good tip is to put a large enough piece of clean dry cardboard on floor completely under the engine so that any leak can be seen immediately I notice your a manc so let me know whereabouts your based ,I could call and help if you need , p.s. have sent you my number so you can give me a call , also is it a p38 thor or gems ????? cheers mozz
Cheers mozz
Have just had it oit and got up to temp. Still no leaks so left it idling and seems fine. Fingers crossed it was me not tightening the l8d properly. Will check again at weekend and keep you posted
And check the viscous fan , get it hot and try and stop it with a rolled up newspaper. Mozz is only after CAKE ! Be warned.:D:D

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