Essex lanes

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Beer tester
LZIR Despatch Agent
Me and STuart went out laning today, did five lanes not a bad day out, cept he ripped his front valance off and I drove into a bollard at the jet wash.Any way did that lane in Stapleford Abbotts again from the other end and managed to do the whole lane-also managed to get stuck again but a nice chap with a disco gaves us a quick winch. :welcome2:







wish i could have come, looks like you had a good day
Was i little recce mission for when the herts crew come down this way.You Signed up for that yet? Its on their thread around post 4545(!!!).Todays routes were 2.5-3 hrs worth so will need to scout some more out at some point, but gonna get a pre mot and service in the next few weeks.
no got through the puddle fine(but did make stuart go first), its the ruts at the other end that are a bitch.The fellas in the disco turned round after getting me out and promptly got stuck after going 30ish yards.And they were on their own!
Theres another track parrell to the puddle and that was more like a lake.Needless to say didnt do that one!
well when you go out on your next recce give me a shout my landy should be back on the road in a couple of weeks, and if all else fails i can navigate and help with recoveries
Yeah think ive found all the driveable lanes within about 20 mins of me house so will have to start looking further afield.Dunno when im next out again tho.
not a postcode but got a street address and can let you know if you want.Gis PM if yer interested, but DONT DO THIS LANE ON YER OWN!I keep getting stuck on it :5bdupe:
Alright mate.Redhand shas sed you can, but id be absolutly sure before breaking any thing.Might be worth getting onto the local ROW officer to check it aint got a TRO
:confused:(green lanes) how do you stand when a green lane (byway) has a locked gate at the start can you take the lock off the gate

the law say you have the right of easement. that basically means that you car remove any illegal obstruction form your path. Of course you have to be 100% certain that the road you are on is a public road